State Department continues to drag its feet in action to assistance Hillary election bid

Attached and referenced below is from the JUDICIAL WATCH. Its a bit longer of an article, maybe 15 minutes at the most. However it does provide a good synopsis of the matter and what unethical behavior the State Department and others are doing in order to protect Hillary and undoubtedly Bill Clinton.

Excerpt from Judicial Watch:

The State Department admitted that it has 5,600 Clinton emails recovered by the FBI that were government documents and not personal emails as she claimed. The public deserves to know what is in those emails, well before November 8, and the State Department should not continue dragging its feet on producing them.  The State Department admitted in court today it pulled staff off of Clinton email Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. The American people need to pressure State to stop sitting on these new Clinton emails for political reasons and release them as the law requires.  It is outrageous the State Department has had these new Clinton emails since late July, but has only released 5 records.
The court ordered State to process the first 350 pages of documents by October 7, the second 350 pages by October 21, and the third by November 4.  (The State Department claims a substantial number of the Clinton emails may be duplicative or near-duplicative of emails Hillary Clinton previously turned over to the State Department.)
The Wall Street Journal reported our reaction right after this morning’s hearing:
After the judge’s order, Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said that “the American people could be deprived of this information at this essential time.”
“This is an absolutely corrupt process the State Department has come up with,” he said, blaming the department for the continuing delays.


I spent a lot of time marking up the article in Word only to lose all the mark-ups when pasting into WordPress. So I have attached the article as a PDF.


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Glory to God in the highest, THEN - peace on earth and goodwill to men (Luke 2:14). So peace on earth and goodwill to the human race can not occur until their is first - Glory to God in the highest. This will never be accomplished nor desired by the UN or the USA governments. Hence the Second Advent.

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