Failed leadership – again

What is unfolding in Egypt & Libya is proof once again that the current president is absent with American leadership.

A man who is supposed to be president of our nation who does not believe that our nation is exceptional. An ambassador and 3 staff members killed in Libya with the embassy engulfed in flames. Embassy in Cairo overrun and vandalized. Over comments about Mohammad in a film.

Clinton’s remark yesterday that there are no red lines in reference to Iran and its nuclear program again reveals the poor leadership in our executive branch.

No time to meet with Netanyahu which has been revealed what is more important: appearance on Letterman and other campaign stops.

Watch for the spin and continued lack of leadership. Watch for the puffery and arrogance.


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Glory to God in the highest, THEN - peace on earth and goodwill to men (Luke 2:14). So peace on earth and goodwill to the human race can not occur until their is first - Glory to God in the highest. This will never be accomplished nor desired by the UN or the USA governments. Hence the Second Advent.

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