A commenter by the name of Bogeyfree provided this great comment at TCTH and I wanted to share it immediately.

Another day, another opportunity to remind AG Barr of the massive injustice that lies at his feet and every why millions of Americans know One System of Justice is a huge lie.

1. When no one is penalized for signing and putting forth a known false FISA before the FISC – 4 times!
2. When no one is penalized for altering a FIB 302
3. When no one is penalized for framing a General
4. When no one is penalized for withholding exculpatory evidence
5. When no one is penalized from 14 referrals from Congress
6. When no one is penalized for leaking a FISA to the media even when they have first hand evidence from a FBI SSA
7. When no one is penalized for unmasking hundreds of Americans
8. When no one is penalized after they lie and put in official reports saying people were Russia assets when they knew from day one they were western assets
9. When no one is penalized for allowing and conducting massive illegal spying using the NSA database for years to gather and extract data on millions of Americans even with hard evidence from an audit that proves this illegal spying at a rate of 85% of all queries.
10. When no one is penalized for setting up an unsecured server and for years using it to conduct official government business
11. When no one is penalized for claiming the DNC server was hacked by Russians when a simple interview of Assange could prove this too was a total lie.
12. When no one is penalized for using the Hammer Program to Spy and gather information on thousands of Americans including judges even after testimony from a first hand whistleblower who did the spying and who gave the FIB 47 hard drives of evidence.
13. When no on is penalized for organizing, planning and attempting a coup on a sitting President

And now we have……

14. When no one is penalized for destroying evidence by “accidentally” wiping 31 phones.

So please someone tell me how all of this can result in zero penalties if there is truly one system of justice as our Attorney General preaches.

Some one is going to have to tell me how the current DOJ leadership is any better than the prior one?

2 cents: and then Uranium One, pedovores of MSM and political figures, murder of children, the murder of Seth Rich, the incarceration of Julian Assange etc.

Relationship between YPG/PKK terrorists in Syria and Antifa movements in western countries

A recent report called “Foreign Terrorist Fighters in PKK/YPG in Syria: Violent Extremism Backfires” has revealed the relationship between YPG/PKK terrorists in Syria and Antifa movements in western countries, warning about the possible negative consequences of turning blind eye to extremist groups’ activities.

The report, written by academics Murat Tınas and Ahmet Demirden and published by the Turkish National Police Academy (TNPA), said that the PKK terror group’s affiliates in Syria have recruited many western individuals from far-right and far-left organizations including Antifa groups operating in European countries, the U.S., Canada, and Australia.

“When the U.S. president announced that Antifa would be designated a terrorist organization, many turned their eyes to the controversial Antifa movements. Although Antifa and some of its members’ criminal acts terrorizing their societies may be a new phenomenon for many, they remain well known to those who have been monitoring the current developments related to terrorism in the Middle East,” the report underlined.

File this for easy access Nov.3, 2020 and fwd

Add it all up.
1. Virus
2. Riots [organized _ANTIFA]
3. Fires
The ‘Why’:
Make no mistake, they will not concede on Election Night.
Make no mistake, they will contest this legally in battleground states.
Make no mistake, they will project doubt in the election results
Make no mistake, they will organize massive riots and attempt Anarchy-99 design
Playbook known.

drop 4722 9/16/20 12:16:59 EST

You can’t be in your right mind and vote for the DNC

The radicalized liberal democrats and rinos.

Look at them and consider that they MUST have no conscience.

Trump derangement syndrome is apparently a chronic mental disorder.

And remember it is a CHOICE.

Nothing genetic about it.

They CHOOSE to put the USA through what they have, are & will be doing.


Bill Binney – CIA fingerprints

I have been following Mr. Binney since he first started providing intel and analysis on the Russiagate aka Seth Rich files. While what he provides here is drop the mic level analysis and WELL worth your ten minutes but I want to zero on what I consider a buried lead in the story. 

[Binney] “summarizing why he is convinced that the CIA (under President Barack Obama) did this frame-up against Russia, ‘Russiagate’ — it’s a case that he is seeking to present to Congress, and in court, and to debate in public, instead of to continue to be hidden from the public; he wants to show, and publicly to debate, this evidence, so that the public will be able to see it, and evaluate it, for themselves:”

I have long believed the CIA needs to be dismantled. Most of the time they are a rogue organization. Often (understatement) their actions have led to other nations hatred of our country, provided the illegal drugs to our citizens and had their hands in assassinations (MURDER) of leadership and other people in our own country and in other countries. [[What in this last sentence sounds like what the founding fathers had in mind for the USA?!!]]  By the way if the fingerprints point to CIA and Seth Rich is murdered, whom would u say murdered Seth Rich?

My question to Congress, those whom are called republican in reality (many are just RINOs), why haven’t u called for Mr. Binney to speak to Congress about this matter and OTHER MATTERS Mr. Binney knows very well of? Don’t say because the house is under dem leadership because the first two years it was under republican leadership (thereby proving the case that they were indeed RINOs/never-Trumpers). Senate? Republican leadership? Never-Trumper? RINOs? What does the evidence show? RINOs and Never-Trumpers! [Graham BFF McCain which was a never-Trumper]. [Interesting history study: McCain and ISIS]

President Trump why don’t YOU invite Mr. Binney in for something positioned like a discussion that allows you and him to get this whole matter into the households across our country? You know how to outsmart the MSM and the radicalized liberal democrats. 

But I digress…



The full 2 hour interview

Transcript of the 10 minute video



Trust the plan.

Those 3 words, for some people, trigger laughter and mocking of/toward individuals who have and continue to do the homework/research thereby understanding what those three words mean.

A typical reaction of ignorant people is mocking & snarking comments.

Trust the plan does NOT mean to do nothing and wait yada, yada.

Trust the plan first COMMANDS that the person MUST know the plan.

Here is a good analysis on what exactly Q-Anon is.